Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Simplicity, Complexity and Taxes

Surf on over to the Distributist Review website, for a remarkably cogent and insightful discussion of complexity and simplicity as it relates to taxes.

If you thought the various"Fair Tax" proposals are simpler, or perhaps considered abolishing the IRS, check this article out first...


Mark said...

National sales tax, anyone?

Sure, it may never be truly simple, but I gotta think it would be simpler to define "sales" than it is to define "income". Most states already do it without much consternation...

Unknown said...

I kinda like the sales tax idea too (simple, direct, visible...), but the same Distributist Review site pointed out some less-appealing aspects, such as people who spend more of their income (i.e. the poor) and save less of their income end up being taxed on a larger percentage of their income than the rich...

Anyway, I agree that sales are easier to define than income, and a national sales tax would at least be something we were all aware of...