Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bed, What and Beyond?

We stopped in to Bed, Bath and Beyond the other day to pick something up, and I poked into the restroom to (ahem) take a rest.

I have to say, it was not nice in there. In fact, the word "skeevy" jumped to mind.

Now, if the name of your store is Bed, Bath and Beyond, I'm thinking you should have pretty nice bathrooms. I mean, what an opportunity to demonstrate some of the products you're trying to sell, not to mention display the overall concept of having a nice bathroom.

Instead, there were spare rolls of toilet paper stacked on the edge of the baby changing station. It could have been a showcase for their coolest soap dispensers - nope, they went with the industrial look. I'll spare you the rest of the details, but come on BB&B, you guys are missing a big opportunity here!


Mark said...

Hmmm... maybe that was the "Beyond"?

And gee, why is there not a fuzzy photo from your handy cell phone to accompany this post?

Unknown said...

I thought about it, but couldn't bring myself to start taking photos in a bathroom...

Passante said...

Hey, cool -- I think I learned a new word: "skeevy." I assume that means (in Britspeak) "grotty" or "grody."

Speaking of pix taken in bathrooms, have you seen this? (And if you thought it was created by a women-owned company for some office building in NYC, per a circulating e-mail, bzzzzzz! you lose. Ain't the Internet grand for spreading misinformation and allowing people to take credit for stuff they didn't do?)


Unknown said...

@Passante - Glad to help expand your vocabulary! It's just one of the many services we offer here at TheDanWard.Blogspot.com. ;)

Love the link you sent - not sure I'm going to hop a plane to New Zealand just yet, but if I'm ever in that neighborhood, I'll have to check it out...