Friday, April 10, 2009

In the basement...

One of the highlights of my recent trip to DC was the opportunity to meet the editor & crew at everyone's favorite military technology magazine, Defense AT&L. These are the bold and creative (& gutsy) people who keep agreeing to print my crazy little articles. 

Anyway, they told me their office was in the basement of the building. As my frequent co-author Quaid and I approached, we saw this door and wondered how we would get past the padlock.

Fortunately, it turns out the staff of Defense AT&L is not, in fact, locked in the basement. There was an open door and some stairs that led to their offices. A good time was had by all.


Passante said...

I'll attest to that!

jafabrit said...

LOL, the mind must have been boggling as you approached the padlocked door .

Unknown said...

Yeah, we had a good chuckle...