I was sitting in class today, staring at my empty banana peel, when a funny idea struck me. Fortunately, I'd brought two bananas for lunch today, so I had enough bananas to fully develop my idea and do it right. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce my newest creation: messages on banana peels!

I'm really impressed with how well a banana peel holds ink - it's really the perfect fruit to write on, if you want to write on fruit. But this crazy idea isn't just about bananas, or even about fruit. Oh no, my dear readers, it's much bigger than that.
I think it would be funny to take a series of "Help! I've been turned into *fill in the blank*" written on the *blank* - which of course would have to be an object that people ordinarily don't write on. I'm thinking of pants, cell-phones, shoes, underwear, sandwiches... you get the picture.
Alternatively, we could take a bunch of photos (get it - a "bunch"?) of messages written on bananas - sort of a fruit-based fortune cookie experience.
Now it's up to you - send me your photos, or just post them on your own blog. Pass these around. Have fun!
Oh this reminds me of some very funny photographs I saw at an art fair several years ago. The artist had created then photographed, in black and white, scenarios with bananas and doll/toy furniture. The two I remember best are the banana lying on a couch with a banana psychoanalyst sitting on a chair behind, and my favorite -- two peeled bananas spooning in a doll bed, their peels flung carelessly on the floor!
peeled bananas in bed together - that's hilarious. :)
So, looks like you were really paying attention in class, huh?? :)
Oops - you caught me...
Help! I've been turned into a blog comment!
oh my, now that is hilarous :)
Whoa....I just got this strange associative connection...a cross between Bansky the street artist and the "found art" by the jafa-girls.
What if you left your kooky axioms were people could find them, there at school. That would be real funny. Especially if you happend across somebody as they found one of your axioms.
Good call, Gabe - I could launch a Banksy graffiti / found art guerilla thought assault on the Entrenched Forces of the Status Quo...
There are plenty of whiteboards and study spaces around,where a well placed quote, article, diagram or comic might really generate some discussion...
Exactly! Don't abandon the prop, though. I mean, leave the axiom banana on a library desk somewhere, or a rock with painted prose, or a receipt with some type of crazy FISTy proverb or something.
OOh, maybe print a version of The Simplicity Cycle and leave it in the stacks somewhere.
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