Thursday, May 1, 2008

Back Up Your Files!

I had a scary moment this morning - turned on the computer to see a blue error screen of some sort. Fortunately, I was able to get things working correctly without much effort, but it reminded me that I hadn't backed up my files in a while.

So, I figured I'd take a moment to remind you all to back up your files too, before the Blue Screen Of Death comes knocking on your door...

1 comment:

Tori said...

Sadly I continue to forget to back up even when I have killed at least 2 hard drives in my life.
Most recently, my work laptop died, in January. I had been using it to track my wedding gifts received and thank you notes sent. I was already later in finishing the writing of the thank you notes than I'd hoped... we were about half-way through. List gone. Now it's May and I haven't restarted writing them. Even though we were half-way through I can only remember about five specific notes we wrote. We have a year to send those out right???