These days I'm struggling to figure out how to get to the gym - partly because there isn't a gym to get to. I could pay money for a membership at the Pentagon gym, but that's a 15-min shuttlebus ride each way (plus time waiting for the bus to show up), and I'm just not sure how often I'd be able to carve out 90+ minutes during the day for a workout.
My best bet is probably to get up and run in the morning, before work, but I'm already leaving the house at 6:30 am as it is. I don't know how much less sleep I can manage. Working out after work isn't a very attractive option either - mostly 'cause it means getting home later, and partly 'cause I'm usually kinda tired by the end of the day. Sigh. I'll figure it out, but at the moment I'm a bit stumped.
Also, early morning has always been my writing time. Saturday mornings like today are the best. I got up for a run and still had an hour or so to write before everyone else was awake. But now that I'm working on my new book, time for working out gets rarer and rarer.
We'll see how it goes...
Have you thought about getting a treadmill?
Do you have access to a shower in your building? If so, you might be able to squeeze in a run during the day. There are some great routes from Rosslyn on both sides of the river. If you don't have a shower, go running anyway and come back to the office stinky until the boss provides you with a better work-out accommodation. :-)
@Kimmer - No, I really kinda hate treadmills, and there isn't really any room for one in our place now.
@Rhet - I learned that there's a shower in a building a few doors down, but I only learned about it when they sent everyone an email to say it's broken... Arg!
Yeah, I don't like treadmills either.
I have found that everything else has taken a back seat while I finish this draft. I'd love to sign up for karate with Ella, but I'm fining more and more that I have to prioritize better or the writing doesn't get done. BUT I feel better when I realize that once this draft is finished I'll schedule all of those extras back in.
I agree with Rhett about the mid day thing.
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