One of the projects I tackled while Kim & the girls were out of the house was replacing the wireless card on our desktop computer. HP had kindly mailed us a new card when the original one failed, but it was up to me to crack the case, find out where that little guy goes, and do the swap.
I was excited! It'd been a while since I'd opened up a computer like this, but as you can tell by the photo above, I managed to open the case. After a little poking around, I figured out where the card was housed. I'd expected it to plug into a stationary slot - imagine my surprise to discover not one, but three wires leading into the card. Two were quite tiny, and I was wishing someone with smaller hands was around to assist.
But, I'm happy to say I got the broken one out, put the new one in, and put the whole thing back together. There was a tense moment or two after I pressed the power button and prayed I hadn't inadvertently done any serious damage. Seeing the monitor flicker back on after the operation was a HUGE relief. Here's a photo of the offending card, compliments of my ever-present, ever-fuzzy cellphone camera.

Did you have your lab coat and silly glasses on. That would have been a funny picture.
And ..... is that your fav green pen???
Yeah, I should have worn that lab coat, shouldn't I?
And good question on the green pen - actually, that particular pen in the photo writes black... My green pen has a translucent casing. But cool catch!
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